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The Betancourt Scholarship Fund
Empowering the leaders of tomorrow through the pursuit of a college degree
Thank You!
We would like to thank everyone one of you for donating this year to the scholarship. This year we awarded two $700 scholarships. Every dollar counted and made the recipients life in their first semester a bit easier. It was because of you that you are allowing first generation college students reach their dreams of a quality education. Thank you again and take some time to read their bios!
- Jefferson & Melanie
Mara Mulfeld
Michel Tarabay
Nicole Tarabay
Robert Povey
Nai Saengphaxay
Ari Elul
Alejandro Duque
Marco Mejia
Christian Betancourt *CHS 97'
Alberto Diaz *CHS 07'
Alex Wills *CHS 07'
Arun Manghnani
Patricia Betancourt
Kenny Betancourt *CHS 09'
Jeni Bouza
Roberto Araujo
Jefferson & Melanie Betancourt
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